Good Candidates for Chemical Abortions

Doctor taking notes

Women in need of pregnancy termination might be eligible for a chemical abortion if they are still within the first trimester of their pregnancies. Specifically, a chemical abortion is an option for women who have not yet surpassed six weeks of pregnancy. In contrast to a surgical abortion, which is performed entirely within an abortion clinic, a chemical abortion can be carried out within the patient’s home. The medication given to the patient leads to the cessation of the pregnancy. A chemical abortion also causes contractions so that the tissues of the uterus can leave the body. Women who suspect they may be pregnant should consult a gynecologist about their chemical abortion options as soon as possible, as more advanced pregnancies may require surgical abortions.

Do you have more questions about chemical abortions ? If so, call Washington Surgi-Clinic at (202) 659-9403 to speak with an associate at our women’s clinic. We provide both surgical and chemical abortions for eligible patients in the greater Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. regions.